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Sterile FLACS with ALLY® Adaptive Cataract Treatment System. The future of cataract surgery, today!
The efficiency benefits of sterile FLACS with ALLY have been remarkable, starting with cutting my procedure times by more than half. Additionally, I no longer have two patient encounters for one surgical plan as I did with my prior generation laser. This makes the procedure far less stressful for me and safer for the patient, with the added benefit of less cost per minute in the OR for the ASC. Doing more cases also increases my ROI for my ASC, as I am able to save considerably on the cost per minute. Considering a typical rate of $100 per minute, the timesavings I get with ALLY translates to as much as $472 in cost savings to my ASC per case.
Read on to learn how the ALLY System reduces procedure times and improves patient and surgeon experience.
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