A Podcast Series from MacuHealth
MacuHealth® with LMZ3 is the only eye supplement that contains all three carotenoids (lutein 10mg, meso-zeaxanthin 10mg, zeaxanthin 2mg) in a patented 10:10:2 formulation to enrich macular pigment centrally and across the entire macular spatial profile. Taking one MacuHealth softgel per day has been clinically proven through Level 1 evidence to support retinal health and function, reduce oxidative stress and to maintain & improve visual performance for:
- young healthy patients who are active in sports or have occupations with stringent visual performance requirements (police, military fireman, truck drivers etc.)
- pre and post cataract to reduce risk of AMD and to maintain and optimize visual performance throughout the lifespan
- those with macular disease such as AMD and DR to reduce risk of progression and to improve visual performance such as glare recovery and increased contrast sensitivity
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Episode 1: The Macular Carotenoids: History, Mechanisms, and Purpose... the Case for Visual Performance
Speaker: James Stringham, PhD
Episode 2: Advancing Visual Performance Post Cataract and Throughout the Lifespan
Speaker: Mihir ("Max") Parikh, MD
For more information go to www.macuhealth.com or email info@macuhealth.com