1. Harvard Chair Miller or comedian Rivers
5. To impair or disfigure
8. An ophthalmologist may want this while sports betting in Vegas at an AAO meeting
11. Eye part and Greek word for grape
12. In the past
13. Uveitis Masquerade Syndromes (abbrev.)
14. Scottish variant of learn
15. Interest of 1-Across and 1-Down
17. It may be plateaued (Hint: Glaucoma)
18. ALS or Lou ____ Disease
19. Sailor’s assent
20. How multilingual ophthalmologist Dr. Ana Alzaga Fernandez may say “month.”
21. Summer drink (variant) or famous rapper
22. Condition where the iris adheres to the angle (abbrev.)
23. Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale (abbrev.)
24. Infamous Supreme Court decision, ____ Scott
26. Cause of diplopia in MS patients (abbrev.)
27. Hebrew name that is a variant of Aaron
28. Prostate test that ophthalmologists thankfully don’t have to order (abbrev.)
29. Sponsor of The News Hour featuring Judy Woodruff (abbrev.)
32. ____ bar, food for the health conscious
34. South African internet retailer
35. Something future ophthalmologists wish for when taking organic chemistry (two words)
36. First female department chair Higginbotham and first woman.
37. Road to be avoided in New Jersey at all costs (abbrev.)
38. Trypan blue to make the anterior capsule clearer - eg
39. Dr. Patricia ____, inventor of the laserphaco, or shower alternative
40. Book about the Irish experience by Frank McCourt
41. Actor Mineo
42. ____-VEGF, interest of 1-Across
1. Chief of Wills Eye Haller or cook Child
2. Oocyte location
3. Eagle’s nest
4. Namesakes of ophthalmologist Hayworth who also served in Congress
5. Refractive guru McDonald and her namesakes familiarly
6. Author of “A Death in the Family”
7. Connecticut ophthalmologist Shari or spots seen in hypertensive retinopathy
8. ____ intima, vascular layer
9. OCTs and HRTS produce these of 15-Across
10. “Be quiet!” (Variant)
16. ____ cyclitis, affliction of 11-Across
20. Irate or satirical magazine
22. Corneal guru Asbell
23. This test may be ordered to rule out SLE in 16-Down (abbrev.)
24. Connecticut cataract maven Dr. Mulukutla to her patients
25. Prolonged cooking of meats or celebrity events
26. First woman ophthalmologist ____ Hayes Chapin Barrow or queen who financed Columbus
27. A person who represents another person for a fee, such as in sports
28. Spanish for beach
29. Author of “The Manual of Ocular Diagnosis and Therapy” Deborah ____ Langston
30. Quarterback Favre
31. Japanese entree with raw fish
33. Car entrepreneur Ransom whose company produced the Cutless Supreme and Alero
34. Country music singer McEntire