1. “I have to hold the newspaper too close with my new bifocals!” (three words)
8. Oral hypoglycemic
9. Sir Duke-Elder’s books or cubic measures
10. Opposite of NNE
12. First woman
13. He said, “Listen to the patient — he is telling you the diagnosis.”
15. Reflex type with a retinoscope
16. Japanese soup with a soy base
18. Do a clear corneal incision, eg
19. “Honest ___”
20. Number associated with the glossopharyngeal nerve
22. Thrombotic Microangiography (abbrev.)
24. Take away a person’s gun eg
25. Latin for king
26. Baseball’s Cardinals on a scoreboard
27. An ophthalmologist may have one after 15 cases
31. Eight-armed sea creature
32. What an ophthalmologist does when the patient says, “I can’t see in the distance with my new glasses.”
1. Treasure ___, a store of valuable items
2. Lubricated
3. Abbreviation for Ohio University whose teams are called the polar bears
4. Company that makes baby pacifiers
5. “What’s the ___?”
6. Community Emergency Services (abbrev.)
7. 10 mg, 20 mg or 50 mg, eg
8. “These new contact lenses are giving me a headache!”
10. ___ lamp
11. “I can’t see with my new toric contact lenses.”
14. Having excessive pride
17. Gig taxi service
19. Compulsive personality type
21. First part of an ophthalmology textbook before the first chapter (abbrev.)
22. Nonsense or animal intestines
23. Options on IOL calculating software
27. Floor cleaner
28. This is often torn by athletes (abbrev.)
29. Remote terminal unit (abbrev.)
30. Condition in which the nerves and vessels in the thoracic outlet are compressed (abbrev.)