The mantra can be applied to most situations, and holds true for OOSS
The challenges of the last year and a half have compelled us to think creatively about how we connect with our members, collaborate as a community of ophthalmic ASCs—and, ultimately, focus on providing patient care safely, efficiently, and effectively. The considerations for live versus virtual meetings have evolved to “meeting our members where they are” year-round, using a variety of methods and mediums. In-person meetings are bursting with the energy of colleagues focused on advancing ophthalmology, learning, and sharing. Additional educational and informational content is developed and disseminated virtually.
One of our major strategic initiatives is the reduction of OR waste. The multisociety task force, led by co-chairpersons Cathleen McCabe, MD, and David Chang, MD, is composed of representatives from AAO, ASCRS, AGS, and OOSS. The following five subcommittees were formed and will engage industry:
- Major Surgical—Jeff Whitman, MD; John Hovanesian, MD
- Instruments—Audrey Talley Rostov, MD
- Pack suppliers—John Doane, MD
- Devices: Cathleen McCabe, MD; David Chang, MD
- Surgical pharmaceuticals: David Palmer MD; Alan Robin MD
Recently, we launched a survey on the reuse of surgical perioperative drugs vials for anterior segment surgery. A better understanding of the current perioperative pharmaceutical practice patterns will benefit our profession and may potentially influence the pharmaceutical manufacturers, as well as future operating room guidelines and regulations. The survey will provide data to demonstrate whether multiuse surgical drugs are being used and whether there are any safety considerations. All data obtained with this survey will be de-identified. Data on infection will be kept confidential and will be evaluated at an aggregate level to help validate the safe use of multiuse medications. Please complete this brief online survey using the link at .
I remain positive. Positive that more challenges will come. Positive that we have the talent and tenacity to surmount them. Positive that our ophthalmic community will thrive. Positive that our commitment to high-quality, safe, and efficient patient care is unwavering.
If you have comments, suggestions, or questions, please contact me at ■