Have you been holding off on investing in an electronic medical records (EMR) system for your ASC? Are you under the impression they take too much time and effort to install and implement? Do you believe your return on investment won’t be sufficient, since the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) hasn’t incentivized you to implement an EMR?
If your answer to any of these questions is “yes,” Jeffrey Whitman, MD, has an important message for you: “Just take the plunge and get it done.”
Says Dr. Whitman, president of Key-Whitman Eye Center, which operates an ophthalmic ASC in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, “You’re going to be really happy when it’s done.”
Today’s EMR systems go far beyond just relieving the pain and tedium of documenting patient care and reducing the need to store paper-based medial records. They also deliver the added benefits of easier customization, improved patient experience and safety, and greater efficiency, contends Dr. Whitman and other ASC operators.
Benefits of ASC-Specific EMRs
The best EMRs, especially those designed specifically for ophthalmic ASCs, offer a number of advantages over those designed to accommodate multiple specialties. The biggest is their ability to help alleviate the time-consuming task of documenting patient care for both the ASC’s use and for meeting insurance needs, along with CMS, MACRA, and other regulatory requirements.
Maya Shammas, MD, surgeon and owner/operator of the Shammas Eye Medical Center and the M/S Surgery Center, which has three locations in Southern California, agrees. “Ophthalmologists tend to rely on high patient volume to maintain profitability,” says Dr. Shammas, whose ASC relies on Compulink’s Ophthalmology Advantage EHR practice management and ASC System. “Also, many ophthalmic surgeries are shorter than other specialties. We have a lot to do and document in a short period of time. A system that can streamline the visit is key.”
“With most EMR systems, you have to sit down with the inspectors and go through everything together. I have had three inspections since we started with iMedicWare, and once I showed them what to do, they could look at everything themselves without any help. That means a lot, because it’s hard to spend one-on-one time with the inspectors when they’re looking at your records.”
Easy Customization
With such features as drop-down menus and check-off boxes, today’s ASC-specific EMRs also offer a high degree of customization that caters to the requirements of eye surgery.
“Our needs differ from those of other specialties,” says Dr. Shammas. “An EMR system should be tailored to your specific workflow, because the goal is to improve your efficiency while documenting the patient encounter accurately. A more conventional system will not be able to totally satisfy any one of them.”
7 Tips for Successful EMR Implementation
- Mandate software training and hold refresher sessions for staff before the go-live date.
- Ensure all backend functions and data tables are complete and accurate before going live.
- Ensure all preferences are in place to eliminate potential bottlenecks.
- Ensure the EMR can adjust to your OASC workflow (not the other way around).
- Beware of fees for future upgrades and additional features the software may require.
- Consider a cloud-based system; maintaining a server may not be as efficient or cost-effective in the long run, especially if you have multiple locations.
- Develop downtime EMR policies and procedures; have downtime paper chart packets ready and keep them updated quarterly.
Dr. Whitman agrees, noting, “If you had to start from scratch with something that was meant for internal medicine, there would be myriad things you’d have to do (within the software) to bring it to your specialty level. To do all of that for an ophthalmic ASC would be overwhelming.”
To take it one step further, ASC-specific EMRs are also easier to customize to the specific needs of any given ophthalmic surgery center.
“Every ASC will have to build out the EMR system to some extent to match their own needs,” says Hurley. The EMR system used in her ASC provides templates and menus that can be modified for eye drops, medication dosages, and other aspects of eye surgery. “That’s very helpful on the front end. It goes right down the line of everything we need ophthalmically to treat a patient. It’s very nice and organized, and it makes it more efficient,” she says.
Better Patient Experience + Safety
EMR systems that are ophthalmic ASC-specific can also help ensure that patients enjoy a more positive and safer eye surgery experience.
Although they still require clinicians to carefully document each patient encounter, the best EMRs make those tasks more efficient than ever.
“In the operating room, the doctor and the nurses should be caring for the patient and not just clicking buttons,” Dr. Shammas notes. “[With] an ASC-specific EMR, less time is spent in front of the computer so that more of that time can be spent with the patient.”
This enhanced focus on the patient, in turn, leads to greater safety, as many EMRs require certain items to be checked off before the clinician is allowed to proceed further.
“We can build in prompts via required documentation to ensure no steps in the process are ever missed or overlooked,” Frank says. “Also, the ability to import medical conditions, allergies, and current medications directly from the clinic or patient pharmacy provides less chance for clerical human error that could be severely detrimental to the patients we care for.”
“When I look into the EMR, I can clearly see everything that is pertinent on just one or two tabs. I don’t have to click multiple tabs to know critical patient information,” says Dr. Shammas. “And when the ASC is connected to the office chart and information can be forwarded back and forth, there is less room for transcription errors.”
On the Record: Don’t Overlook These EMRs
The following companies offer EMR systems designed specifically for ophthalmic ASCs. Here are a few key highlights:
Compulink’s Ophthalmology Advantage EHR practice management and ambulatory surgical center solution includes the OneTab EHR system. OneTab allows OASCs to document an entire procedure from a single screen to streamline workflow and increase efficiency, offers tools to automate MACRA reporting and monitoring of quality scores, and is customizable to meet the needs of the practice and ASCs. The all-in-one system also includes tools for practice management, optical, patient engagement, data analytics, telehealth, and revenue cycle management service.
INFO: compulinkadvantage.com/ophthalmology/overview/
As the official ASC EMR of OOSS, Eyecare Leaders’ myCare iMedicWare ASC is a comprehensive package that covers every step from patient check-in through post-op and patient discharge. It also enables staff to leverage custom-made templates for cataract surgery, laser-vision correction, and other common ophthalmic procedures. A user-friendly dashboard reveals and updates patient status in the process. Medical errors are reduced and liability risk mitigated through such capabilities as: entering medications, pre-op vital signs, questionnaires, and more during pre-op nursing; enabling outside practices to maintain their own booking sheets for surgery and consolidate consents, medical history, patient demographics, and insurance details; and, with myCare iASCLink, managing workflow from any work station.
INFO: eyecareleaders.com/solutions/mycare-imedicware/
Paperwork is (nearly) a thing of the past with Modernizing Medicine’s Ambulatory Surgical Center advanced electronic records system. ModMed ASC is designed to help increase efficiency and improve documentation with built-in outpatient ophthalmology surgical procedures and customizable forms. The system leverages common information transfer protocols, interfaces with CAHPS vendors and Vital Sign Monitors data, and enables review and signing of operative reports from almost any location that has an internet connection.
Why Don’t More ASCs Use EMRs?
Despite all the benefits associated with ASC-specific EMRs, relatively few ophthalmic ASCs, compared with medical practices, have adopted them.
One major reason, Hurley believes, is that CMS hasn’t offered ASCs the same financial incentives to implementing EMRs that they have offered medical practices. In fact, ASCs are viewed as extensions of medical practices.
“As with clinics, there weren’t any incentives from CMS for ASCs to implement EMRs, so a lot of ASCs haven’t wanted to purchase and build out a system,” she says. Another reason, she adds, could simply be the ASC’s reluctance to change.
“We’ve had to change systems along the way, and we have had some kicking and screaming,” adds Dr. Whitman. “But if you ask me now if we’re better for having an EMR system or better for not having it, we are definitely better for having it.” ■