1. Nevus of ___r
4. Immunoglobulin or supermarket chain
7. Inhibitor or former Chinese leader
10. Frequent pre-op requirement
13. Retired ophthalmologist’s goal
14. ___ Sum, Chinese dumpling
15. HTML image tag
16. White blood cell ratio that is elev. in appendicitis
17. Bolo or bow
18. Isle in Nantesr
19. None
20. Potential temp. hemianopsia cause
21. AFL-CIO union that unloads ships
22. Impose on someone
24. This may be elev. with papilledema
25. Raeder’s Syndrome symptom
28. Mailed
29. Haymarket, Stonewall and Watts
30. CT ocularplastic surgeon Lyndon or Gettysburg general
31. Afternoon nap
33. Evening in Firenze
35. CT Ocular plastic surgeon’s Mike Gingold’s target
36. Apple desktop
39. World’s Fair, eg
42. Brunch cocktail
44. Boat propulsion
46. Seraphim or cherubim
48. ____ Farber Cancer Institute
50. They may be engorged in conjunctivitis
53. Frequent nursing home order
54. Take ________, try
55. “Love you lots” on the Internet
56. Slang for sailor or mouth
57. Woody’s former partner
58. Blueprint for a cow or pheasant
59. Wave in Granada
60. Fraternity name letter
61. Lourve Pyramid designer
62. Nasty viral cause of conjunct.
63. Common verb or Kurosawa movie
64. Bylaw or rule for short
65. Latvia, Lithuania or Georgia at one time
66. Cheerleader’s syllable
67. Grounded flier
1. Refractionist’s forte
2. Like humans but not deer
3. Acre or square mile
4. Not the sharpest tool in the shed
5. Corneal special Mitch or Washington painter Stuart
6. Condition after a hysterectomy
7. Slow ballroom dances
8. Enzyme that may create NH3
9. Leered at
10. Tempt
11. “Time heals all wound,” eg
12. Uvea meaning
23. Greek density symbol
26. Billionaire Democratic presidential candidate and his family
27. Served with ice cream
32. Male or female
34. Optic nerve tissue between the cup and disc margin
37. Red sky at night, ____ delight.
38. Superior cortex removers
40. Third, fourth or sixth
41. It beats ace high
42. Wander
43. Sick songwriter Paul
44. It is dictated after cataract surgery
45. Potential hyphema causer
47. What gritty and agriculture have in common
49. Tilted
50. Lawn tool
51. Sleeps outside
52. Bad 10 across reading