1. IOL material
5. Spouse, e.g.
9. Sponges mild bleeding, e.g.
14. Love
15. Redact
16. Eagles nest
17. Small narrow opening
18. Former Air Optix maker
19. Respond to
20. Knighted eye treatise author
23. Eliminate from the body
24. Anti-crime org.
27. Being this may upset us
30. Tic-Tac-Toe winner
31. _____wood, Indian cinema
32. IOL formula creator Richard
36. Dueling sword
37. Greek H
38. Firm up by exercising
39. Knighted IOL creator
41. Type of chemical bond
42. Scared yell
43. Eject from public office
44. Monopoly buys
45. Syringe dose or rock group
47. Ophthalmoscope inventor
53. Saint’s bone, e.g.
56. Sheltered from the wind
57. Prefix with orbital edema
58. Create a newspaper, e.g.
59. Biped characteristic
60. Jamaican sprinter Clarke
61. Retinal venous disease
62. Addictive pills
63. In ____, coordinated
1. Bridge or pinochle bid
2. 2051 in old Rome
3. African Muslim
4. Chagall seller, e.g.
5. Diverticulum namer
6. Aniscoria cause
7. Dalai Lama’s home
8. List lengthener
9. Unclothed
10. Ogle
11. ___ Serrata
12. ___ douloureux
13. Game, ___ , match
21. Unbecoming
22. K-conus procedure
24. All ________! Three Musketeer’s cry
25. 1990s war area
26. Iodine indicator
27. Fatter
28. Undeveloped beach characteristic
29. Office workers
32. Sound intensity unit
33. Suffix for natives or rocks
34. Negative vote
35. Tympanic membrane viewers
40. Medical school bigwig
41. Approximate eye length
43. Clean up
45. Fax predecessor
46. Poem for a funeral
47. Morning Glory, e.g.
48. Mac. edema finders
49. Complaint of a night driver with cataracts
50. Weill Cornell peds eye doc Richard
51. 1982 sci-fi movie with Jeff Bridges
52. Its deficiency may cause nyctalopia
53. Eye layer with hexagonal cells
54. Historical period
55. ___ Abner