In his Opening Day address to the U.S. House of Representatives, Speaker Paul Ryan spoke of feeling the “winds of change” in the old chamber, setting the tone for the 115th Congress — and for what promises to be a buffeting transition for healthcare.
Fortunately, the ophthalmic ASC community is well acquainted with change. From the outset, our surgical centers have demonstrated the entrepreneurial capacity to effectively adopt the latest in innovation and best practices, while continually adapting to ever-changing conditions and constraints. Keeping the patient first, the ophthalmic ASC has emerged as the model for surgical excellence, efficiency, and affordability. It would seem that we are well prepared for what lies ahead. Yet, the very nature of change always involves some degree of uncertainty, requiring us to take careful stock of our situation and then set our course thoughtfully.
Last September, the OOSS Board of Directors met in a 3-day planning retreat that began with an in-depth review and analysis of member feedback, an environmental scan of the changing healthcare landscape, and an exploration of future scenarios for the ophthalmic ASC and OOSS. The board then set a course to guide our programming to the year 2020. In October, the OOSS Board adopted the following planning initiatives:
Grow Membership & Sponsorship
- Create a plan to address administrator and staff needs and connect with and engage young surgeons.
- Develop a robust online marketing and communications strategy.
- Enhance the value proposition for OOSS Partners and the OOSS President’s Council.
Strengthen OOSS Advocacy
- Establish a robust online Advocacy Center for OOSS members and partners.
- Grow participation in and expand the reach of OOSSPAC.
- Enhance OOSS member communications, marshal resources, and expand industry alliances focused on advocacy.
Leverage OOSS University
- Develop a staff certification program.
- Evaluate the feasibility of developing an accreditation process tailored to the ophthalmic ASC.
- Enhance educational resources and tools for all members of the ASC team.
Enhance OOSS Analytics
- Expand benchmarking and survey platforms and enhance the educational value of related data and analytics.
- Develop a new technology strategy to support networking and collaboration among members that leverages OOSS analytics and related OOSS University resources.
Implement OOSS Gives
- Develop strategic partnerships with ASCRS and AAO.
- Engage partners in charitable support.
- Engage and support member centers and staff as both providers and contributors.
The OOSS Board and staff are working on a quick-start implementation plan to be featured in the May issue of The Ophthalmic ASC and formally introduced at the OOSS Perspective meeting during ASCRS in Los Angeles this May. As reflected in our mission, OOSS remains committed to the ophthalmic ASC community and to shaping a viable future for the ophthalmic ASC amidst the buffeting winds of change. ■
OOSS is the only organization dedicated exclusively to the ophthalmic-driven ASC.
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