To Know Where We Are Going …

When charting the course for a successful enterprise, we are wise to consider the words of philosopher George Santayana: Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Taking stock of past performance is the first — and most critical — step we take when planning for the future.
Strategic Planning
At OOSS, our Board of Directors is undertaking a triennial strategic planning process to guide the ophthalmic ASC industry through the year 2020. Our board begins the process by carefully gauging how our centers are doing and how well we are serving their interests.
We have several topical surveys underway, all designed to help OOSS and our member centers plan through the year 2020. These include:
• EHR in the Ophthalmic ASC
• IOL and Premium IOL Trends
• Femto Options and Integration
• H & P Best Practices
• Social Media Use and Preferences
• Advocacy Support and Resources
• Analytics and Academics – Support and Resources
Survey data is, by its nature, historical. It can also be predictive. We’re collecting data about past performance — what worked, what didn’t — as well as data about what centers anticipate in the future. We use all of that data to chart future initiatives. Along the way, we continue to use surveys and other performance analytics to assess and make course corrections.
For example, last year, we forged a partnership with PentaVision, publishers of Ophthalmology Management magazine, to produce The Ophthalmic ASC. With a few issues under our belt and our planning process underway, we jointly launched a readership survey to gauge value and guide improvement. Early results (from a sampling of ASC affiliated surgeons, administrators, and staff) tell us that 93% of readers consider the overall range and depth of content to be “good to excellent” — a gratifying and motivating response. We want to push that measure closer to 100%. In the details of the feedback are specifics that will guide future editorial choices and help us identify ways to better align this publication with our other programs and initiatives.
» To learn more, visit ooss.org
OOSS University
During our board’s last triennial planning process in 2013, similar planning survey work set in motion a number of strategic initiatives for OOSS, including a big and exciting one we will launch this summer: the OOSS University learning center.
The learning center platform is a separate, dedicated website for OOSS University. Along with educational courses and resources, the site will provide searchable archives for materials, webinars, videos, survey results, and benchmarking data, among other offerings. Members will be able to access the OOSS University learning center platform through a portal on our website.
We Want to Hear From You
At OOSS, we are committed to understanding our past as we strive for continuous improvement on behalf of the ophthalmic ASC community we serve. We encourage you to participate in our survey endeavors, give us feedback about our programs and events, and engage with OOSS as a member or an industry partner.
For information about the 2020 Survey Series, visit our website, OOSS.org. ■