AAO Product Showcase
■ Allergan is pleased to offer Combigan (brimonidine tartrate/ timolol maleate ophthalmic solution) 0.2%/0.5%. Combigan is available in both 5-mL and 10-mL bottle sizes at pharmacies nationwide.

For additional information, please visit www.Combigan.com and see our advertisement within this publication.
Allergan, Inc.
Phone: (714) 246-4500
Booth #1525
Aton Pharma
■ Prescription-only Lacrisert (hydro-xypropyl cellulose ophthalmic insert) lubricates and protects dry eyes all day with one application, although some patients may use it b.i.d. for optimal results. Preservative-free Lacrisert, placed deep in the inferior cul-de-sac, dissolves gently over time, providing a sustained moistening effect.

Prescribed for over two decades and readily available at most pharmacies in the United States, Lacrisert has no known interactions with other eye medications. Please see full prescribing information for more about Lacrisert.
Aton Pharma
Phone: (877) ATON549
BD Knives
BD Medical Ophthalmic Systems
■ BD Medical Ophthalmic Systems provides BD Atomic Edge silicon single-use safety slit and accurate depth knives and BD Beaver safety cataract knives that include safety slit, sideport and crescent knives. All BD Beaver and BD Atomic Edge safety knives have an integrated protective shield designed to protect healthcare workers from sharps injuries and guard the blade from possible damage.

BD Visitec single-use instruments include: Bonn, Capsulorrhexis, MacPherson and Moorfield Forceps, Eye Speculum, Needle Holder, Vannas and Westcott Scissors, Buratto's Hook and Straight Micro-manipulator, as well as BD Visitec cannulae, accessories and drapes.
BD Medical Ophthalmic Systems
Phone: (866) 906-8080
Booth #1215
Omega 500
■ The Omega 500 Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope has a patented variable pupil function that allows for crisp, stereo views through any pupil size. The Xenon Halogen illumination system is comfortable for patients, long lasting and provides near perfect color rendering (CRI score of 98.5). The Omega 500 is also available with several power sources, including the only UL-approved wireless system that enables users to work free of cords or cables.

The Omega 2C is the only indirect on the market that has been designed specifically for video use. It features specially designed optics and a fully integrated camera system — ensuring an image of superior quality. The Omega 2C is available with digital image capturing software for computer integration.
Heine also offers a complete line of handheld instruments, including the exclusive HSL 150 handheld slit lamp and Lambda 100 retinometer.
Phone: (800) 367-4872
Booth #1009

AzaSite and Elestat
■ AzaSite (azithromycin ophthalmic solution) 1% provides high and sustained ocular tissue concentrations, broad-spectrum power against the most common bacteria on the ocular surface and potent antiinflammatory effects. AzaSite is indicated for bacterial conjunctivitis and should be dosed one drop b.i.d. for 2 days and then one drop q.d. for the duration of therapy Elestat is fast-acting, long-lasting and soothing for the prevention of ocular itch associated with allergic conjunctivitis. Elestat (epinastine HCl ophthalmic solution) 0.05% provides relief within 3 minutes and effectively relieves itch for up to 12 hours. Elestat soothes with a pH 7 similar to natural tears.
Please see the Elestat ad in this magazine for important safety information.
Inspire Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Phone: (919) 941-9777
Booth #2332
Micro Medical Devices, Inc.
■ Micro Medical Devices, Inc's (MMD) PalmScan AP2000E is the worlds only battery-operated, hand-held A-scan and pachymeter combination device on the market today. Features include: lightweight, easy-to-use, high speed and resolution, contact and immersion biometry, IOL calculations, central and peripheral pachymetry with IOP adjustments and wireless printing with PC backup. The LRI software with concurrent vector analysis for correction of astigmatism and the ability to directly measure femtosecond flaps prior to lift are exclusive to MMD.

With the AP2000E, doctors can now examine their patients at bedside, recheck biometry prior to surgery and calculate IOL on the go. PalmScan AP2000E delivers maximized efficiency and is the perfect instrument for premium lOLs.
Micro Medical Devices, Inc.
Phone: 866-730-0663
Booth #5530
Sightpath Medical
■ Sightpath Medical provides surgical cataract and refractive equipment and services on a mobile access, as-needed basis. Sightpath allows surgeons their choice of equipment from multiple brands including VISX Star S4 IR, IntraLase, Whitestar Signature, Infinity and Stellaris.
Sightpath provides a highly trained surgical technician by your side. Contact Sightpath to learn about securing leading technologies without capital investment and maintenance fees. Whether you wish to bring service and equipment into an existing location, or satellite to outlying areas to expand your practice, Sightpath Medical will work to meet your specific needs. Sightpath Medical is also the exclusive U.S. distributor of the Foresee PHP, a critically important device for monitoring dry AMD patients for the early detection of CNV.

Sightpath Medical
Phone: (800) 728-9615
Booth #2300
Surgical Instruments
Rhein Medical
■ Rhein Medical will display titanium and stainless steel surgical instruments including lens inserters/loaders, chopping instruments and instruments for LASIK, LASEK, ICL and IntraLase. Featuring Steinert DSEK Insertion Forceps, Sabet Lenticular Safety Net, Connor Wands, I&A & BI-Manual handpieces, Rhein Eco brand of Single-Use instruments, plus a complete line of LRI diamond knives, including the new 2.4 mm Cataract Diamond Blade.

Rhein Medical, Inc.
Phone: (800) 637-4346
Booth #2216
PM and EHR Software
NextGen Healthcare
■ NextGen Healthcare is a leading provider of practice management and EHR software. Their award-winning solutions are proven to increase operational efficiencies, improve the quality of patient care and cut costs for ophthalmologists nationwide.

NextGen EPM streamlines office administration. This powerful system features functionalities designed to meet ophthalmologists' billing, reporting, registration and scheduling needs.
NextGen EHR seamlessly creates electronic health records. This comprehensive system facilitates clinical workflow and manages all data related to patient care outcomes.
NextGen Healthcare
Phone: (215) 657-7010
Booth #432
440 Ophthalmic SurgerY
Medical Technology Industries, Inc.
■ A revolutionary lithium ion battery powers the new MTI 440 Ophthalmic Surgery Chair/Table through a full day of surgeries without a recharge. Able to lift over 600 pounds, the 440 has an all-steel frame and steel substrates which support Velcro attached surgical cushions.

The versatile 440 has standard features like a tapered back, selection of multiple low-profile headrests and the choice of numerous arm management systems. A single health professional can move patients with ease safely and rapidly from preop to OR to postop with the 440's directional steering dual-wheel caster system.
A full complement of options and accessories are available to meet almost every need.
Medical Technology Industries, Inc.
Phone: (800) 924-4655
Endo Optiks
E2 Laser and Endoscopy System
■ The E2 laser and endoscopy system houses a diode laser,175 watt xenon light and high-resolution camera, allowing direct visualization and ablation of the ciliary processes through a 20-gauge laser microendo-scope. Combined phaco/ ECP (endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation) is a surgical approach to glaucoma management lowering IOP and reducing meds with superior long-term results.
Endo Optiks
Phone: (800) 756-3636
Booth #3057

LENSTAR LS 900 Optical
■ The Lenstar LS 900 is the first optical biometer with the precision of Optical Low-Coherence Reflectometry (OLCR), according to Haag Streit. In a single scan taking 30 seconds, Lenstar captures nine measurements including lens thickness and anterior chamber depth, and with the external personal computer it can be networked and directly communicate with EMR systems. Lenstar provides the user with a complete laser interferometric assessment of the patient's eye in a single measurement procedure.
Lenstar automatically detects loss of fixation and pauses until fixation is resumed. All measurements are captured on the visual axis, assuring precise measurements and accurate repeatability.
Phone: (800) 787-5426
Booth #1825