Dietary Supplements for DR Patients
By Glenn L. Stoller, MD, FACS
Evidenced-based medicine, most notably the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial and the UK Prospective Diabetes Study, has demonstrated the importance of tight glycemic control in reducing the incidence and progression of diabetic retinopathy (DR).1,2 Similar observations have been demonstrated with tight blood pressure control in hypertensive diabetic patients.3 However, there seems to be a limit to the risk reduction for DR that can be achieved through "tighter" glucose and BP lowering; furthermore, such control is difficult to achieve and maintain.4 These results and those from other population-based studies5 suggest that processes other than hyperglycemia and elevated BP contribute to the development of DR.
Once sight-threatening retinopathy has developed, the current standard of treatment is laser photocoagulation. The Diabetic Retinopathy Study (DRS)6,7 and the Early Treatment of DR study (ETDRS)8 have demonstrated that pan-retinal laser photocoagulation (PRP) significantly reduces the risk of severe vision loss from proliferative DR (PDR) by at least 50% and focal laser photocoagulation reduces the risk of moderate visual loss by 50% in eyes with clinically significant diabetic macular edema (CSME).8 However, despite laser intervention in the ETDRS, 12% of treated eyes with CSME still developed moderate vision loss. Furthermore, approximately 40% of treated eyes that had retinal thickening involving the center of the macula at baseline still had persistent thickening at one year.
Despite optimizing glycemic and BP control and applying laser when indicated, many patients will develop worsening retinopathy and sustain visual loss. Clearly there remains an unmet medical need to develop alternative methods of treatment, possibly used in combination with standard therapy, to improve visual outcomes and lessen or reverse the damaging effects of diabetes on the microvasculature of the retina. It is possible that dietary supplementation could be helpful in mitigating diabetic retinal damage.

Oxidative Stress
Under normal physiologic conditions, a very small percentage of oxygen that enters the electron transport chain is reduced to superoxide — a reactive oxygen species (ROS). Excess production of ROS or inefficient removal of ROS could result in pathological conditions. Oxidative stress occurs when the amount of ROS or molecular oxygen overwhelms the capacity of the cell to defend against these substances by an innate scavenging system. Chronic oxidative stress has the capacity to damage DNA, lipids, proteins and carbohydrates and disrupt cellular homeostasis and generate other ROS. Diabetes results in increased oxidative stress, and elevated oxidative stress plays an important role in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications.9
The retina has a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and the highest oxygen uptake and glucose oxidation relative to any other tissue, rendering particularly susceptible to oxidative stress,10 which is postulated to promote the development of DR.11 The exact mechanism has not been fully elucidated and likely involves not only oxidative stress itself, but the complex interaction between excess ROS and the activation of other metabolic pathways that are detrimental to the retina. Oxidative stress is believed to interact with the polyol pathway, the advanced glycation end product (AGE) pathway, the protein kinase C pathway, and nuclear factor kB (NF-kB) which influences the synthesis and expression of many inflammatory factors. ROS also affects the hexoamine biosynthesis pathway and leads to alterations in the expression in VEGF and insulin-like growth factor-1 among others.12 Since there is a strong understanding that if oxidative stress may be the instigator of all other dysmetabolisms implicated in the pathogenesis of DR, the use of appropriate antioxidants may have the potential to effect the progression of DR.12
Benefits of Green Tea
Green tea, rich in polyphenols with great antioxidant potency, inhibits lipid peroxidation and scavenges ROS.13 Green tea supplementation in diabetic rats increases free radical scavengers and improves retinopathy as evident by reductions in acellular capillaries and pericyte ghosts.14 Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is a particularly potent antioxidant flavonoid found in green tea. EGCG inhibited the expression of proinflammatory factors and repressed the deleterious effects of AGE's when studied in human monocytes under hyperglycemic conditions. The authors concluded that flavonoids such as EGCG might be an effective adjuvant strategy for delaying diabetic complications.15 EGCG is also believed to help control glucose levels.16
Essential Nutrients for the Eye
Carotenoids demonstrate a vast array of biologic activities including important roles in the eye. Lutein and zeaxanthin comprise the macular pigments, essential for normal vision and for the protection of photoreceptors from phototoxic blue light. Lutein has been shown to attenuate oxidative stress in experimental models of early DR. More specifically, lutein supplementation in diabetic mice inhibited NFkB activity, oxidative stress and prevented impairment of the electroretinogram compared to controls.17 Zeaxanthin given to diabetic rats inhibited diabetes-induced retinal oxidative damage, elevation in VEGF and the adhesion molecules, which lead to leukostasis. These are all abnormalities associated with the pathogenesis of DR. The authors conclude that zeaxanthin supplementation has the potential to inhibit the development of retinopathy in diabetic patients.18 Consistent with these findings, a recent prospective cohort study demonstrated that plasma levels of lutein and zeaxanthin were lower in diabetic patients who had retinopathy compared to those who did not. Similarly, a higher level of lutein and zeaxanthin plasma concentrations predicted a lower risk of diabetic retinopathy.19
Antioxidant vitamins C and E defend against the damaging effects of high oxidative stress owing to nonenzymatic glycosylation, autoxidative glycosylation, and metabolic stress in persons with diabetes. These processes are believed to be associated with diabetic complications.20 Supporting the hypothesis that dietary supplementation of vitamins C and E may be beneficial in the management of diabetic eye disease are the findings from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, which demonstrated that dietary supplementation with vitamins C and E did have a protective effect against retinopathy.21 Vitamin E refers to a group of phenols, more specifically tocopherols and tocotrienols. Tocotrienols have an enhanced mobility in the membrane bilayer, improving their ability to react with lipid radicals compared to tocopherols. For this reason tocotrienols are more powerful antioxidants than tocopherols. Therefore a dietary supplement that contains vitamin E would ideally contain a mixture of these two phenols.
A review of the literature suggests that vitamin D is likely to have a role in the management of diabetes or diabetic retinopathy. Vitamin D is a molecule with pleotropic effects. Apart from its role as a mediator of mineral homeostasis, vitamin D has antiproliferative, antiangiogenic and antioxidant properties.22 The vitamin D receptor is expressed in most cells of the retina including the vascular endothelial cells in animals and human beings.23,24
One study of diabetic patients demonstrated that subjects with a certain variation of the vitamin D receptor are at low risk for developing severe diabetic retinopathy while those with a different variation of the receptor are at high risk for severe retinopathy.25 Vitamin D was also shown to be antiangiogenic in an animal model of retinal neovascularization.26 Furthermore, substantial evidence supports that low levels of vitamin D contributes to insulin resistance and higher levels of vitamin D are associated with improved insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes. Low vitamin D levels are also implicated in the development of type 1 diabetes.27
The micronutrients zinc and copper also have antioxidant functions. Zinc acts as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzymes retinal dehydrogenase and is also involved in retinal metabolism.28 A study of diabetic animals demonstrated the beneficial effects of zinc in both controlling hyperglycemia and the protection of the retina against oxidative stress in diabetes.29 Zinc has also been shown to protect the retina from diabetes-induced increased lipid peroxidation and decreased glutathione levels, a free radical scavenger, in rats.30
Zinc is essential for copper-zinc superoxide dismutase and inhibits diabetes-induced increases in plasma malondialdehyde and decreases in erythrocyte antioxidant defense enzymes. Copper oxide functions as the active center of many cuproenzymes, and copper deficiency results in oxidative damage to lipids, DNA and proteins. The exact mechanism by which zinc and copper exert their protective effects in an animal model of diabetic retinopathy is not clear. However the possibility that these nutrients are helping to decrease oxidative damage remains very strong.31,32
Importance of Omega 3s
Omega 3 fatty acids, specifically docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), play an important structural and a number of physiologic roles in the retina. These omega 3 fatty acids are found in the neural and vascular cell membranes.33 DHA is a major structural lipid of retinal photoreceptor outer segment membranes. Our bodies do not have the capacity to meet tissue needs for these substances through biosynthesis, thus rendering us dependent on dietary intake.
Omega 3 fatty acids act as antioxidants. In human tissue, fish oil exposure is associated with a reduction in free radicals.34 Furthermore, it has been shown that non-smoking, treated-hypertensive, type 2 diabetic patients consuming supplements of purified EPA and DHA had lower levels of a biomarker for lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress compared with control subjects who consumed olive oil.35 Supplementation of omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids also had beneficial effects on inflammation in diabetes.36
The complex inflammatory pathways are increasingly being recognized as a contributing factor in the development and progression of DR.37 Therefore, it is reasonable to hypothesize that supplementation with DHA and EPA may be beneficial to diabetic patients and possibly have therapeutic value in the management of DR. Further support for this contention is the finding that DHA and EPA may function in vivo to regulate retinal vaso-obliteration and neovascularization.38 DHA and EPA have also been demonstrated to be antiangiogenic. In an animal model of pathologic angiogenesis, DHA and EPA reduced pathologic neovascularization after vascular loss and injury.32 The reader is referred to a comprehensive review by Bhathena39 of the putative role of omega fatty acids in modulating the factors and processes implicated in the pathogenesis of DR.
Consider Nutrition-Based Therapy
Although no large multicenter prospective randomized clinical trials of dietary supplements for the treatment of DR are currently available, significant evidence from animal studies, observational and interventional studies have been presented here. Eye care practitioners should give careful consideration to initiating nutritional-based therapy in their diabetic patients as an adjunct to the current standard of care.
Oxidative stress, acting alone as well as by promoting inflammation, appears related to the pathogenesis of diabetic eye disease. Current evidence suggests that dietary supplements have the potential to reduce oxidative stress, inflammation and pathologic angiogenesis and could be a valuable adjunct in managing diabetic eye disease. OM
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