The Path to Paperless
Hiring Qualified IT Consultants
You may need more than one.

By Peter J. Polack, M.D., F.A.C.S.
You've made the decision to get your office running on an electronic medical records (EMR) system and you've chosen the specific software you want. Before making any major software or hardware purchases, however, you should have someone help you implement EMR into your practice, such as an IT (information technology) consultant or firm.
While a larger practice such as ours may have the resources for full-time IT personnel, what is a smaller group or solo practice to do?
Information technology is not just one narrow field but many categories rolled into one, just as medicine comprises many distinct specialties. Thus, you may require different IT services depending on your practice's needs.
Hiring Consultants
But first, there are some things you need to consider before hiring your potential IT consultant or firm:
First, it is a wise move to hire a consultant to help you choose a consultant. If there is an EMR system that you have already decided offers what your practice is looking for, ask the vendor for a recommendation on an IT firm that can help with implementation. Otherwise, ask around to other medical practices, especially those with EMR, for the name of a consultant. After you meet with this firm and get a proposal, get a second opinion. If both proposals are similar then you can rest easier.
Check out their credentials. Just as a layperson is impressed by someone introduced as "Dr. Jones," who may be anything from a neurosurgeon to a chiropractor to an economist, an "IT specialist" may be a high-school graduate (if that) who has decided to hang his computer shingle out for business. And don't rely on someone with no technical training who is considered "computer-savvy" by friends or colleagues.

Illustrator: Mark Heine / Deborah Wolfe, Ltd
Check Skills Certifications
Be aware that there is an entire range of skill sets and their corresponding certifications out there. The firm in question should be able to furnish these and explain the benefit they can offer to your practice and project. Examples of skill sets would include Windows administration, networking, database management and wireless administration. Specific certifications in these areas would include such things as Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) or Certified Wireless Networking Professional (CWNP).
In a multipart series, Dr. Polack is describing how a nine-partner practice, Ocala Eye in Ocala, Fla., with six locations and 140 employees, makes the major transition from paper medical records to EMR. During the course of the series, Dr. Polack will provide readers with a "real-time" look at how the implementation is progressing. This is part 25 of the series. |
Check out the references of any consultant you are thinking of hiring. You do this already when hiring any other employee, don't you? This is especially important regarding any major project such as implementation of an EMR system. Obtain references from medical practices that are a consultant's clients.
Try to involve the consultant early in the process. You may think you know everything there is to know about your new EMR system, but you don't. Perhaps you chose a slick new system that works wirelessly and then discovered that the wireless infrastructure in your office was inadequate. Or that those half-dozen beautiful tablet PCs that the vendor talked you into have a battery life of 2 hours — and most of your clinics last decidedly longer than that. With a qualified consultant at your side, you'll avoid these types of problems. OM
Next: Have an EMR disaster plan.
Peter J. Polack, M.D., F.A.C.S., is co-managing partner for Ocala Eye, PA. Ocala Eye is a six-location, 10-physician, 140-employee multisubspecialty ophthalmology practice located in Ocala, Fla. He can be reached by email at |