The Spectral Domain Advantage
With high-speed scan acquisition and higher resolution, spectral domain OCT reveals a whole new level of detail in patients with glaucoma.

Reviewed by Joel S. Schuman, M.D., F.A.C.S.
► When diagnosing glaucoma, you have a variety of tools at your disposal: clinical examination, automated perimetry, photography and imaging technology. Used in tandem, these tools help you piece together a complete picture, understand your patient's condition and fine-tune your treatment strategy. An advancement in one of these tools has taken glaucoma diagnosis to a whole new level. Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) allows you to view the eye with greater detail and precision, allowing for a more accurate diagnosis and treatment strategy.
Higher-speed, higher-resolution spectral domain OCT acquires scans faster and gathers more information in a shorter amount of time than time domain OCT. Spectral technology also generates 3-D images.
Spectral domain OCT may detect very small changes in a patient's condition, which is particularly important in diagnosing and assessing glaucoma progression. The smaller the changes we can detect with a high level of certainty, the earlier we can detect disease progression and intervene with appropriate treatments.
In this article, I'll discuss the features and capabilities of spectral domain OCT and how the technology is helpful in glaucoma diagnosis and management.
Faster Image Acquisition
OCT is similar to ultrasound, but OCT uses light instead of sound waves to reveal an image. There are A-scans that show reflections along a single point, and B-scans that show the cross section of the tissue. The B-scans are simply a collection of A-scans along a given line.
When we use spectral domain OCT to assess the optic nerve, we capture a rich 3-D dataset from which we can extract optic nerve information. |
Spectral domain OCT increases the speed of image capture by 50% to 125% compared with time domain OCT. Further, spectral domain OCT captures an entire scan at once, acquiring a high-density OCT scan with 8,000 A-scans in approximately one-third of a second, whereas time domain OCT captures the scan pixel by pixel, with 512 A-scans in a high-density scan.
Therefore, we can capture much more information in less time — a clear advantage when we're imaging the eye, where shorter times result in fewer eye movements and fewer motion artifacts.
3-D Imaging
The paradigm-changing feature of spectral domain OCT is 3-D imaging. Because the technology captures more A-scans per OCT scan, we can acquire 3-D datasets in the amount of time required to obtain 3 to 6 time domain OCT scans. We can evaluate 3-D datasets in a number of ways.
With time domain OCT, we examine circumpapillary scans, but spectral domain OCT extracts circumpapillary scans from the 3-D datasets. In examining the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness with spectral domain OCT, we extract a 6-mm circle from the 3-D datasets with many more data points and less interpolation compared with time domain OCT. When we use spectral domain OCT to assess the optic nerve, we capture a rich 3-D dataset from which we can extract optic nerve information.
In contrast, time domain OCT centers six radial lines on the optic nerve, requiring extrapolation.
With roughly twice the resolution as time domain OCT, spectral domain enables us to examine finer details. I think this will allow us to better assess a patient's condition if we can discern tissue layers and identify glaucoma at the cellular layer, where damage is occurring.
With 3-D imaging, we can examine tissue interfaces so we can see the 3-D relationship between the vitreous and retina or various retinal tissue layers, and this may be useful in diagnosis and surgical planning.
In addition, with spectral domain OCT generating higher density individual tomograms, tissue planes come into sharper relief, enabling us to more easily identify tissue planes and small abnormalities, such as specific photoreceptor loss.
This is just the tip of the iceberg when we look forward to the benefits of 3-D datasets.
In addition to many other advantages, 3-D datasets will enable us to examine tissue contours and more closely study each specific area of interest.
Assessing Glaucoma in the Macula |
Some spectral domain OCT devices allow fine retinal segmentation to help detect signs of glaucoma in the macula. We know glaucoma causes macular damage, but when Zeimer and colleagues1 originally suggested the macula would be a good place to look for glaucoma damage, ophthalmologists considered it heresy. Everyone considered glaucoma an optic nerve disease, but the optic nerve is comprised of the axons of the retinal ganglion cells. Half of the retinal ganglion cell bodies reside in the macula, and the retinal ganglion cell bodies are 10 to 20 times the diameter of their axons. Therefore, Zeimer reasoned that it might be easier to detect glaucoma in the macula and he developed the Retinal Thickness Analyzer (RTA) for just this purpose. Although Zeimer and Asrani2,3 demonstrated damage in the macula, other studies3,4 showed macular imaging was less sensitive and specific detecting disease than imaging the circumpapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) in the same eyes. If we examine the total retinal thickness in the macula with OCT and compare it with the RNFL thickness in the circumpapillary area, the circumpapillary RNFL thickness is a better discriminator of glaucoma. But if we look specifically at the cellular layers affected by glaucoma, we can discriminate at least as well in the macula compared with the RNFL in the circumpapillary area.5 Therefore, 3-D spectral domain OCT devices with better definition of the intraretinal layers offer the promise of glaucoma detection using macular scanning with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity, using the ganglion cell complex (the macular nerve fiber layer, ganglion cells and the plexiform layer). A study by Huang and colleagues6 at the University of Southern California showed a higher discriminating ability using the ganglion cell complex measurement in the macula with spectral domain OCT compared with the RNFL layer. Macular scanning is a promising area in diagnosing and treating glaucoma. However, with macular imaging, we need to remember that we don't know how these algorithms will perform if patients have other macular diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration or macular edema. There may be more confounding conditions in the macula compared with the RNFL. References
Using Spectral Domain OCT to Educate Patients |
Spectral domain OCT can benefit patients in a number of ways. It's a valuable tool in quantitatively assessing your patients and comparing scans, but you also can use these images to help your patients understand their disease. Whether the patient has glaucoma, retinal disease, corneal pathology or anterior segment abnormalities, we have a very powerful teaching tool that can show patients with a high degree of detail exactly what's happening in their eye, and this, ultimately, can help enhance their adherence to recommended therapy. |
Registration Capabilities
Because we need to detect small changes over time in patients with glaucoma, spectral domain OCT is especially suited to assessing this disease. Time domain OCT and other imaging technologies are excellent for detecting glaucoma, but measurement noise from scan to scan makes these technologies less sensitive and specific in detecting disease progression. However, because future software developments enable spectral domain OCT to register 3-D datasets with each other and extract the scan information from exactly the same location from each scan, we anticipate a significant reduction in noise. Therefore, scans should be less variable, with much greater sensitivity and specificity, allowing us to better identify disease and monitor progression.
Make the Most of Spectral OCT
Despite the promise of this technology, it's important to keep in mind that it remains to be proven whether scan registration, 3-D imaging and registration of 3-D scans will improve reproducibility, sensitivity and specificity. We also need to remember that, although we've been using time domain OCT for more than 5 years, spectral domain OCT is new and still needs to be validated in clinical studies and clinical practice.
A lag always exists between the time when a technology is introduced and the time when peer-reviewed studies are published. And although company representatives can provide some useful information about the new technology, it's best to obtain as much information as possible from peer-reviewed literature. You also can learn from experts at scientific meetings. Evidence-based medicine is the best way to practice medicine. But bear in mind that if you're a complete slave to evidence-based medicine, you'll never be able to try anything new until it's been on the scene for some time.
Using Spectral OCT in Practice
Spectral domain OCT and other imaging technologies standardize assessment of the ocular structure. Numerous studies have shown that the sensitivity and specificity of imaging technologies are equal to that of an expert observer. However, no matter how many technologies you use — automated perimetry, photography or imaging technology — they won't replace a physician's clinical examination. They simply provide additional details to enhance your diagnosis.
Imaging technologies allow you to look for structurefunction correspondence in a quantitative way. For example, perimetry results can vary from test to test, with most studies requiring five or six visual field tests before you can verify disease or progression. But if you see correspondence between perimetry and imaging, you've verified your diagnosis or confirmed disease progression without having to repeat the test numerous times, saving time and money for the patient and the practice.
Finally, when you identify an abnormality using imaging technologies, you should always go back and clinically examine the patient to verify the machine's findings. Technology provides objective quantitative information, but it also allows you to reexamine the patient more closely based on the key information your equipment has provided. nMD
Joel S. Schuman, M.D., F.A.C.S., is the Eye and Ear Foundation professor and chairman of the department of ophthalmology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. He is also director of the UPMC Eye Center and professor of bioengineering at the Swanson School of Engineering, University of Pittsburgh and professor, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Carnegie Mellon University and University of Pittsburgh. He can be reached at schumanjs@upmc.edu. |