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U.S. Trends in Refractive Surgery: 2006 ASCRS Survey
Below are some key results from the 2006 U.S. Trends in Refractive Surgery survey. The survey, sponsored by the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery and conducted by Richard J. Duffey, M.D., of Mobile, Ala., and David Leaming, M.D., of Palm Springs, Calif., characterizes trends in refractive surgery practices in the United States.
► Volume of laser vision correction in the United States in 2006 was 1.23 million eyes compared to 1.09 million in 2005.
► LASIK is still the dominant form of vision correction between -8 D and 3 D.
► Visx procedures are still at >3:1 (76%) over all other lasers combined.
► Intralase is increasing market share (17%), but mechanical microkeratomes still dominate (83%).
► Wavefront custom ablations are increasing, with 90% of surgeons performing them compared to 74% in 2006.
► Fourth-generation fluoroquinolones (97%) dominate the post-refractive surgical market.
► More than one-quarter of refractive surgeons (28%) measure true flap thickness in the OR.
► The most desired flap thickness is between 120 μm and 160 μm. One hundred microns flap thickness is favored by 16% of surgeons (up from 11%).
► 42% of surgeons are not okay with LASIK in corneas <500 μm.

► 75% (rising) use mitomycin-C (MMC) for prophylaxis and/or haze.
► Monovision is the most sought goal for presbyopic patients seeking refractive surgery (39%), but 32% of surgeons are now implanting modern presbyopic IOL's (25% last year).
► ReStor (Alcon, Fort Worth, Texas) and ReZoom (Advanced Medical Optics, AMO, Santa Ana, Calif.) IOLs are seen as the leading choices for the lens-based presbyopia-correction option.
► ASC operating rooms are the preferred location for presbyopic IOL surgery (89%). Six percent of patients are fine with an "in office" modified operating room and 3% are okay with a clean LASIK room.
► Comanagement is practiced by one-third of respondents overall, with two-thirds of these comanaging fewer than one-third of their patients.
► When comanaging with another doctor, 74% of surgeons see their own patients on the first postop day.
► Epi-LASIK and advanced surface ablation are on the rise. OM
About these data: The survey was based on 628 responses representing 13% of the U.S. ASCRS membership. This is the tenth year of refractive data collection allowing analysis and comparison of trends among ASCRS U.S. surgeons. Questions were added in recent years to reflect new laser and refractive technologies including premium IOLs. Dr. Duffey has survey results posted on his Web site in a PowerPoint presentation. The address is