Guest Editorial
VCA: Who Are They and Why Should We Care?
Frank J. Weinstock, M.D., F.A.C.S.

To many eyecare professionals, the Vision Council of America (VCA) and the Better Vision Institute (BVI) are just names — organizations they have only heard of in passing. But VCA, an eyewear trade association, does more than just provide services for its members. Through my experience in working with VCA and the BVI, I've learned that they offer many resources to eyecare professionals to assist us in managing our practices and to help us in educating the public about the importance of regular vision care.
VCA and Practice Management
If you are looking to increase your optical department revenue or if you would like to educate your staff, International Vision Expo (run by VCA) offers many resources for ophthalmologists. The recent Vision Expo in Las Vegas offered over 200 classes, many of them unique.
Although the educational program is primarily oriented to optometrists and opticians, the courses that would most appeal to ophthalmologists deal with dispensing and practice management. Many ophthalmologists dispense as an afterthought without any real involvement or support. Attending some of these courses will demonstrate how to best run dispensaries to profit the patient as well as the ophthalmologist. Ideally, it is best to accompany your staff, discuss what is learned and then implement it upon returning to your practice.
Courses at Vision Expo complement AAO education very well, enabling us to learn more about the business side of our practices. Also of note, there is a specific group of continuing education classes that are sponsored and taught by the American Association of Dispensing Ophthalmologists.
Some courses of interest to ophthalmologists include:
► Optical Boot Camp: Core business and financial skills to become an effective buyer
► Magnify Your Future: Low-vision education and technology course
► Contact Lens Boot Camp: For beginning contact lens technicians or opticians
► Medical and Scientific Education: Free courses held in the Medical and Scientific Pavilion
I also served on Vision Expo's Education Conference Advisory Board, which includes members throughout the vision community. The Board provides guidance for the courses to ensure that they meet the needs of eyecare professionals.
In addition to continuing education, International Vision Expo offers the latest in eyewear fashion and medical technology. The exhibit hall houses over 500 exhibitors, showcasing an unbelievable amount of products for all aspects of dispensing in our practices. There are also a number of contact lens exhibitors, as well as providers of medical equipment.
VCA and Public Awareness
Educating consumers about the importance of regular vision care is one of VCA's main priorities. To guide its consumer outreach, VCA relies on the Better Vision Institute (BVI), of which I am a member. BVI is an arm of VCA that includes ophthalmologists, optometrists and opticians. Under this umbrella, all the three "O's" serve together in a harmonious way and witha united voice. The BVI works to advance public awareness of the need for vision care.
The most prominent way that consumers are educated by the BVI is through the "Check Yearly. See Clearly." campaign. The campaign encourages regular eye exams through media relations, public service advertisements, patient education, community outreach and through its Web site (
As ophthalmologists, we should include these Check Yearly resources (educational pieces used in schools and libraries) in our practices. By doing so, we are joining many other organizations, like AARP and Reading Is Fundamental, which support the Check Yearly campaign.
I encourage ophthalmologists to learn more about VCA, especially the Vision Expos and the Check Yearly campaign. By attending International Vision Expo and by utilizing the Check Yearly education materials, you can help your practice stay ahead of the game.
For more information, contact the VCA either though their Web site:, e-mail: or phone: (703) 548-4560. OM
Frank J. Weinstock, M.D., F.A.C.S., is professor of ophthalmology, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine. He can be e-mailed at |