Build a Hurricane-Proof Ophthalmology Practice
Renew your love for your practice and increase your income by as much as $100,000 in one year. Double the amount of time you relax and unwind with Dr. Thurber's extraordinary seminar.
By George M. Thurber, M.D., M.S., The Center for Eye Care, Biloxi, Miss.

As ophthalmologists, we're trained at the highest level of clinical excellence. Then once we begin practicing, most of us realize we are grossly undereducated in the art of managing the business of ophthalmology. We think we'll learn how while on the job. That's what I thought, too — until I got what only can be called a rude awakening that changed my practice for the better — FOREVER!
As a result of my blunders. I forced myself to develop proven systems for practice success. I learned much of what I know from trial and error. But I also hired key people who would help me grow my practice — and grow it we did.
All was smooth sailing until Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Biloxi area in 2005. Many businesses were lost forever. I lost one of my offices as well as my home. But I never lost what I'd learned to run a successful practice. And to everyone's amazement, in the midst of a national disaster, my practice continued to thrive. Despite the hurricane, we saw a robust 15% increase in profitability in 2005 alone. And despite declining reimbursements, increasing competition and a decrease in population after the storm, my practice is more than double what is was 10 years ago.
I'm confident ANY ophthalmologist can apply the strategies I've developed to improve his practice. It's my mission in life to teach people like you the "secrets of my success." I'm excited to share the principles with you at the "Success Against All Odds" practice management seminar I'm having this fall in Biloxi in the newly rebuilt and majestically decorated Beau Rivage, located right on the Gulf with breathtaking views of nature. At right is a preview of what you'll learn at my seminar.
You Will Learn … |
1 How to lead your team to victory. Strengthen your leadership skills. Get everyone on your team to follow your suggestions. Communicate with power in a way that attracts more patients and great employees. 2 How to build the winning spirit. Learn how to motivate your employees and keep patients coming back — as well as referring their friends. 3 Marketing insider secrets. We will teach you how to market your practice from the inside out, in a way that no one has ever seen or taught before. These are powerful strategies that work without your having to answer the phone. 4 Free publicity marketing. Learn our low-cost or no-cost methods to spread the word about your practice as well as the high-cost pitfalls to avoid. 5 How to develop a Web site that works for your practice day and night. 6 Super-Saver accounting. Discover the systems we use to keep close tabs on our finances and how you can use them to generate long-term growth and big-time profits. 7 How to competition-proof your practice. Learn how to make competing optometrists allies instead of enemies wherein both of you make more money treating more patients. 8 How to hurricane-proof your practice. Make your practice hurricane-proof by knowing the internal and external threats to your success; identify your greatest assets and learn how to protect them; rise above problems and create your dream practice no matter what your current financial condition. Full Educational Experience I look forward to seeing YOU at what I guarantee will be an energizing experience. You'll become a top-tier LEADER in your field with skills rarely seen. Your income will soar along with a feeling of relaxation and peace of mind. You'll be in control of your practice instead of feeling that it's controlling you. I look forward to seeing you in Biloxi Oct. 5-7, 2007. |
For more information, visit me at or, or contact Shelley McKay at The Center for Eye Care (228) 396-3937. |