The Latest Data on Goodwill Value
Goodwill value is usually the most significant part of an ophthalmology practice's worth. The Health Care Group's Goodwill Registry reports actual transactions involving the intangible value of ophthalmology and other medical and dental practices.
The information below, drawn from the 2005 Goodwill Registry, continues to confirm that ophthalmology goodwill — though still trending downward — is still quite viable, and that ophthalmology practices are one of the most valuable of all medical specialties. OM

About these data: The Goodwill Registry for 2005 contains more than 3,500 reports of goodwill (including more than 165 for ophthalmology practices) from transactions submitted to The Health Care Group by participating health care advisors, consultants and practices during the years 1995 to 2004. Data from the Goodwill Registry has been used in litigation proceedings to help resolve valuation issues. The complete 2005 Goodwill Registry also reports the specific detailed data for each transaction reported including additional data such as state, reason for valuation, valuation method, gross revenue and overhead percent. For more information about the 2005 Goodwill Registry, call Mark E. Kropiewnicki, J.D., LL.M at (800) 473-0032.