Focus on Allergy Medications

Olopatadine 0.1% (Patanol) is a multiaction antihistamine and mast-cell stabilizer indicated for the treatment of the signs and symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis. According to Alcon, Patanol is the only agent in its class FDA-approved to provide the complete range of relief from ocular allergies: itching, redness, chemosis, tearing and lid swelling. The company considers Patanol the standard topical ophthalmic anti-allergy medication, pointing out that more than 18 million prescriptions have been written, more than all other ocular allergy drops combined.
Phone: (800) 862-5266
Web site:

Allergan/Inspire Pharmaceuticals
Epinastine HCl ophthalmic solution 0.05% (Elestat) is an anti-allergy drop indicated for the prevention of ocular itching associated with allergic conjunctivitis. According to Allergan, Elestat provides multiaction efficacy: it's a mast-cell stabilizer, a potent antihistamine, and it prevents histamine binding to both H1 and H2 receptors. The company says that Elestat provides fast relief of ocular itching -- an 81% reduction in 3 minutes and sustained relief for 8 to 12 hours -- and that it also is soothing upon instillation, having a pH similar to natural tears. Inspire Pharmaceuticals markets Elestat.
Also available from Allergan is nedocromil sodium ophthalmic solution 2% (Alocril), a second-generation mast-cell stabilizer that is indicated for the treatment of itching associated with allergic conjunctivitis. It reportedly provides fast, effective and lasting control of allergy symptoms all season long. The company says Alocril stops allergic reactions at their source by penetrating mast cells and halting the release of histamines and other mediators that lead to ocular itching, providing protection for hours, even in the absence of symptoms.
Phone: (800) 433-8871
Bausch & Lomb
According to Bausch & Lomb, loteprednol etabonate ophthalmic suspension 0.2% (Alrex) is the only ester corticosteroid specifically formulated with the soothing components of glycerin and povidone to treat ocular allergies. The medication is said to cover more allergic mediators than some other anti-allergy agents because it works on both the early and late allergic inflammatory cascade. To date, three different Alrex safety and efficacy clinical trials have been published in peer-reviewed journals. In all of these studies, Alrex presented an IOP safety profile equal to placebo. Additionally, no cataracts or infections were induced in any of the Alrex study patients.
Phone: (800) 531-2020
Web site:

Ketotifen fumarate ophthalmic solution 0.025% (Zaditor) from Novartis is indicated for the temporary prevention of ocular itching due to allergic conjunctivitis. The company says Zaditor provides relief of itchy eyes in patients suffering from allergies, and when used twice daily provides 24-hour relief. The company further explains that the medication has a triple mechanism of action: inhibiting mast-cell degranulation to prevent the release of histamine, blocking histamine receptors to prevent histamine-mediated allergy symptoms, and inhibiting eosinophils to prevent the release of mediators of the late-phase allergic reaction.
Phone: (862) 778-8300
Web site:

Vistakon Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Pemirolast potassium ophthalmic solution 0.1% (Alamast) is indicated for the prevention of itching of the eye due to allergic conjunctivitis. It is a mast-cell stabilizer that inhibits the in vivo Type 1 immediate hypersensitivity reaction. In clinical trials, the most commonly reported ocular adverse events were foreign body sensation (2%), burning/stinging (1%), dry eye (1%), and ocular discomfort (1%).
Phone: (866) 427-6815
Other Products & Services

Eyecare artist Stephen F. Gordon, B.A., CEO of Stephen Gordon, Inc., has introduced the Ocutouch patient education system for use by all types of eyecare practices.
The suite of tools, provided on CD, consists of six modules designed for exam rooms, consultation rooms, waiting rooms, seminar presentations, and optical dispensaries. It contains thousands of instant access animations, prepared animated narratives, a complete animated atlas of eye anatomy, animated/narrated waiting room loops, prepared animated seminars, and an animated first-person-view optical dispensary tool.
The suite can be loaded onto most modern clinic computers. In addition, the Ocutouch Developer's Kit allows EMR system developers to easily integrate the entire system directly into their software. Gordon says navigating the program is intuitive and fast, using large picture icon buttons.
Gordon reports that more than 1,000 Ocutouch systems have been placed in the market.
Phone: (800) 250-4930
Rhein Medical has added a set of corneal gauges to its product catalog (#8-12115). The gauges range in size from 10.5 mm to 13.0 mm with 0.25-mm increments. Rhein says the gauges' one-handed operation help to make them easy and quick to use: dial the desired gauge and place it over the cornea for confirmation of corneal diameter. The gauge set was developed in conjunction with Sheri L. Rowen, M.D. It is available for a 30-day evaluation without obligation.
Phone (813) 885-5050

Now available from Fashion Optical Displays is the Fashion Chair, which is designed to provide patient comfort along with its stylish curved back and arms. The chair fits neatly under dispensing tables and is available in a variety of natural hardwoods and designer fabrics.
Contact the company to request additional information about the chair or a complete product catalog.
Phone: (800) 824-4106