the net
This site offers
information on
AMD treatments
A new Web site sponsored by ophthalmic laser manufacturer Iridex Corporation provides simple, basic information on the types of treatments currently available to those individuals afflicted with the "wet" form of age-related macular degeneration.
The site's address is www.treatmyamd.com and its content is aimed directly at AMD patients and their families. As an ophthalmologist, you'll find little here that you don't already know. But don't let that stop you from recommending the site to your patients.
The basic appeal of the Web site is its easy-to-navigate simplicity and the clear presentation of the relevant information. Iridex and its site designers know their audience. They understand that the patients and their loved ones seeking information on AMD treatments are usually elderly and can easily be confused by complicated Web sites and the presentation of highly technical information.
The site has only a few simple headings. These include an explanation of wet AMD, the types of treatments currently available for this condition, links to the Web sites of more than a dozen AMD-related organizations, and a brief profile of Iridex Corporation. All the information is presented in clear, large type.
In comparing the advantages and limitations of the various AMD treatments, it's no surprise that transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT), which is almost always performed using an Iridex low-intensity infrared laser, gets high marks. But the descriptions of the usefulness of photodynamic therapy and macular photocoagulation are also accurate.
You can recommend this site to your patients with wet AMD who are interested in exploring their treatment options.
Visit: www.treatmyamd.com
If you've discovered a Web site or service that's been useful to you in practice or at home, we'd like to know about it. E-mail Jerry Helzner at helznergi@boucher1.com or call him at (215) 643-8013.