Stat Tracker
The Latest Data on Physician Starting Salaries
Hiring a new physician is an important and expensive proposition for any ophthalmology practice. To make competitive offers without going overboard, practice owners are best served if they have hard facts on starting salaries and other elements of contracts offered to employed physicians.
The Health Care Group, Inc. conducts an annual Physician Starting Salary Survey that contains such information. Data from the 2002 survey on first-year base salaries, benefits, malpractice insurance and restrictive covenants appear below.

About this data: The statistics in this installment of Stat Tracker were drawn from the 2002 Physician Starting Salary Survey. The Physician Starting Salary Survey is a cooperative effort. Participating healthcare advisors, consultants and practices submit reports, and The Health Care Group, Inc. (Plymouth Meeting, Pa.) tabulates the results. All summary statistics are based on responses to the Physician Starting Salary Survey during the period January 1998 through September 2002. The complete 2002 Physician Starting Salary Survey also reports data for the second and third years of employment, as well as additional data about incentive arrangements, other benefits, on-call responsibilities and co-owner arrangements. For more information about the survey, call Mark E. Kropiewnicki, J.D., LL.M at (800) 473-0032.