Passing the Torch, with Mixed Emotions

As I sit down to write my last Viewpoint as Ophthalmology Management's Chief Medical Editor, I can't help but feel a certain disquiet. It feels, I imagine, as it would if I were handing over my own practice.
Holding the position for nearly 5 years was an honor, and I enjoyed it. I still remember having been approached by the editor and publisher with the idea that I fill the role of Chief Medical Editor. I had already been looking forward to the publication's imminent return to the market, and was absolutely surprised -- and tickled -- by the notion. So I said yes.
And now, as I look back over my tenure, it's like I'm looking over my shoulder at the history of my own practice: the changes, the evolution, the rough spots, the victories. We chronicled all of those same things for the entire profession in Ophthalmology Management, always with an eye toward surviving and thriving and being ahead of the game. The publication itself has evolved, from a new entity to a major player. We were, and still are, in the right place at the right time with our practice management focus.
But even though all is well, effective with the May issue, I'll be stepping down as Chief Medical Editor. I'm happy to remain a member of the editorial board, but it's time for me to spend more time with my family and focus on other aspects of my life. Dr. Paul Koch will be stepping up. I know he will stimulate your thinking while he presses you to achieve new levels of practice efficiency and excellence.
As my last word today, I'd like to thank all of you who corresponded with me and supported me during my time as Chief Medical Editor (especially you, Herve). Please keep in touch with me, and Ophthalmology Management, so that we can all continue to learn from each other and grow and get even better at what we do.