Retina Surgery
On the Move
Twenty years ago, a few brave cataract surgeons began the move from the hospital setting to the ASC setting to perform their surgery. Many others followed them, and today outpatient cataract surgery is the standard of care. Now, as our cover story illustrates, we see a few innovative retina surgeons making a similar move from cumbersome hospitals to relatively streamlined ASCs.
Their reasons for making this shift in venue are quite similar to those of cataract surgeons. First, they want to be able to control every aspect of their patients' surgical experience. In an ASC, the retina surgeon and his or her staff members can provide an environment much different from that of the cold, impersonal hospital. This is especially important for the retina patient, who is far more frightened than the typical cataract patient.
Furthermore, the desire to increase OR efficiency and to improve the quality of care looms large. In the ASC setting, using efficient surgical teams, retina surgeons can significantly increase their throughput of cases while reducing actual operating time. Greater efficiency reduces surgical risks, increases patient satisfaction exponentially, improves quality of surgery and outcomes, and can reduce costs drastically.
An idea whose time has come
The outpatient setting for retina surgery truly is a situation in which everyone benefits. Retina surgeons are able to offer easier access and a more comfortable and gentle environment for their already frightened patients. The setting also allows them to perform a larger number of cases in much less time. The surgeons, the ASCs and the patients feel the benefits of efficiency.
The years ahead should prove to be most exciting for our colleagues caring for retina patients. New drugs to assist them in treating diabetic and macular degeneration patients are in the pipeline. Photodynamic therapy, translocation surgery and other techniques currently being examined will go hand-in-hand with this shift to outpatient retina surgery. Keep an eye on retina care: It's definitely on the move!