Places to point your
patients for the latest
AMD information.
Macular Degeneration Network
- Paul T. Finger, M.D., F.A.C.S., edits the Macular Degeneration Network (MDN) Web site, which receives more than 60,000 hits a month. MDN features advice and information on such topics as sunglasses and nutrition. MDN also features an Amsler grid for self-testing.
Visit www.macular-degeneration.org
Macular Degeneration Partnership
- This site's Macular Degeneration Help Center offers answers to many questions, including: What is AMD? How do I get it? and What can I do about it? It also features information on research and experimental treatments. An e-mail newsletter is available, as well as a vitamin survey. The survey lets your patient input his various vitamin supplements and receive a chart detailing his daily intake of each
Visit www.amd.org
Wilmer Eye Institute
- The Wilmer Eye Institute's Macular Degeneration Center offers MacFacts, a newsletter that includes nonclinical articles and information on the latest research happening at Wilmer. Support group meeting dates and times are listed. Also, the Web site allows your patients to order a set of audiotapes, Macular Degeneration in the New Millennium. This four-tape set is from a 1999 patient conference. It costs $15.00.
Visit www.wilmer.jhu.edu/mdp/index.html
Brian's Eye
- Brian Harron began suffering from AMD in 1995. His Web site details his story, and includes information on research, eye tests and low-vision aids.
Visit www.brianseye.com
If you've discovered a Web site or service that's been useful to you in practice or at home, we'd like to know about it. E-mail Jerry Helzner at helznergi@boucher1.com or call him at (215) 643-8013.