This information could come in handy when youre looking for ways to treat your patients who experience severe ocular inflammation after unilateral cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation.
Investigators administered either ketorolac tromethamine 0.5% ophthalmic solution (Acular) or vehicle solution to the treated eyes of 51 patients with moderate or greater levels of cells and flare 1 day postsurgically, q.i.d., for 14 days.
Ketorolac was more effective than the vehicle solution in reducing anterior chamber cells (P &le .030) and flare (P &le .025), conjunctival erythema (P &le .046), ciliary flush (P &le .006), tearing (P &le .012), photophobia (P &le .014) and pain (P &le .049). Compared with the control group, half as many ketorolac-treated subjects were discontinued from the study for lack of efficacy: 14/51 vs. 28/51 (P = .005).
There was no significant difference between the solutions for changes in visual acuity, intraocular pressure, biomicroscopic or ophthalmoscopic variables, or for adverse events.
Am. J. Ophthalmol.; March 1999.